The “Mind Has No Firewalls” is an article written by Timothy L. Thomas, a US Army strategic studies analyst. The article discusses the potential vulnerabilities of the human mind to psychological operations (PsyOps) and the need for the military to understand and address these vulnerabilities.
In the article, Thomas argues that the mind is an information processing system that can be manipulated and influenced by outside forces, such as propaganda, disinformation, and other forms of psychological operations. He suggests that the human mind has no “firewalls” or innate protection mechanisms that can prevent it from being influenced by outside forces.
Thomas points out that the military has long recognized the importance of PsyOps in warfare, but he argues that the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing complexity of modern warfare have made it even more crucial to understand and address the vulnerabilities of the human mind. He cites examples of how advanced technologies, such as virtual reality and brain-machine interfaces, could potentially be used in future PsyOps campaigns.
Thomas emphasizes that the military needs to take a proactive approach to understanding and addressing the vulnerabilities of the human mind. He suggests that this could involve investing in research to better understand how the mind processes information and how it can be influenced, as well as developing strategies to counteract the effects of PsyOps.
Overall, Thomas’s article highlights the potential dangers of psychological operations and emphasizes the need for the military to be prepared to address them in a rapidly changing technological landscape. To read The Mind Has No Fire Walls >> click here
The following excerpt is courtesy of The US Army War College Quarterly: The only body-related information warfare element considered by the United States is psychological operations (PSYOP). In Joint Publication 3-13.1, for example, PSYOP is listed as one of the elements of command and control warfare.
The publication notes that “the ultimate target of [information warfare] is the information dependent process, whether human or automated . . . . Command and control warfare (C2W) is an application of information warfare in military operations. . . . C2W is the integrated use of PSYOP, military deception, operations security, electronic warfare and physical destruction.” Source: The US Army War College
DARPA’s Secret Mind Control Technology
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Covert Hypnosis as a Weapon?
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Unlike traditional forms of hypnosis, covert hypnosis is designed to be much more subtle and indirect, so that the person being influenced may not even realize that they are being manipulated.
Covert hypnosis can be used for both positive and negative purposes, and is often employed in fields such as sales, marketing, negotiation, and therapy. It is important to note, however, that the use of covert hypnosis can be unethical if it is used to exploit or harm others without their consent.
Human Cyborg
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Cyberwarfare is the use of cyber attacks against an enemy state, causing comparable harm to actual warfare and/or disrupting vital computer systems. Some intended outcomes could be espionage, sabotage, propaganda, manipulation or economic warfare. Source: Wikipedia
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Professor Hugo de Garis is an expert in robotics and artificial intelligence, a distinguished author, and now-retired researcher, best known for his work on developing artificial brains and advocating for the creation of “artilects“ (artificial intellects) – machines capable of intellectual achievements rivaling or surpassing humans.
Hugo has published over 100 academic papers on various topics related to the emergence of AI and robotics and their potential implications for society.
Throughout his career, he has held positions at some of the largest technology companies worldwide and has offered his expertise as a consultant for the United Nations and the US Navy. Source:
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